You. Should.
76% of users who search for a nearby service wind up visiting that business that day. With local searches increasingly happening on mobile while people are out on the town, you’ve got to wave the flag that you’re nearby and ready to help.
Toss a phone extension on your ad for your unicycle repair shop. People can easily click and call and ask if you can help them weld two unicycles together into some sort of innovative, hybrid duo-cycle.
Google Ads dashboard extensions
Source: Google screenshot
Or, if you’re a wholesaler of leopard-print toilet paper, add an affiliate location extension. This will share front-and-centre exactly which retail shops carry your rockin’ rolls.
9. Think negative
Google Ads also offers the options to input negative keywords: words that you don’t want to be affiliated with.
For example, if you sold dolphin keychains but not glitter dolphin keychains, you wouldn’t want to pop up in results for the latter. All the sparkle-enthusiasts out there will only be disappointed when they click through.
To discover how people are accidentally searching you, check in on your Search Terms report. Here, you’ll be able to find the irrelevant queries that are leading people to you, and add them to your negative keyword list3. Rack up a high quality score
It might sound obvious, but the best way to make sure your small budget is going far is to make sure your ads are top-notch.
SKAGs, meanwhile, increase click-through rates by 28%. Specificity offers clarity: users actually can clearly understand that they found what they’re looking for.
To build your SKAG, look for a medium-traffic, low-competition keyword and identify the intent of the search. In this example, forget your “green tires” and “tiny tires” keywords and just stick with “women’s tires.” Next, highlight that term specifically in your ad headline so the searcher will know they’ve found exactly what they’re looking for, click through, and buy.
Then, take your keyword and modify it with a broad match modifier (+keyword), phrase match (“keyword”), and exact match ([keyword]). And now wait for the clicks to come rollllling in! (Like a tire.)
7. Let automation work for you
Maximize your conversions with Smart Bidding and Responsive Search Ads. AI may not be able to come up with a grand advertising strategy for you, but machine learning can help increase or decrease bids on your behalf.
Automation takes into account everything from funnel stage, to relevenance, to keywords, to competitors.
Then, it makes sure your bid is increased when your ad has the best chance to succeed—or drops the bid when your competition is set to win so you’re not wasting your precious time and cash.
Oh, robots: you’ve done it again!
(Want more info about how bidding works? This AdEspresso webinar has got you covered.)
8. Embrace extensions
From your extensions tab in your Google Ads dashboard, you can add extensions directly to your ad to specify your location, products, features or sales promotions.
And. You. Should.
Measure everything
How are people finding your site? What pages are popular, and what searches are bringing them there? Your analytics have the data you need to measure success and patterns.
And over on Google Ads itself, you’ll find metrics that suggest why your impressions, click-throughs or costs might have changed.
Take this information, analyze it, and use it to inspire your next great advertising experiment.
While these tricks for making the most of a small budget are true today, Google Ads is being updated all the time. Tomorrow, there may be even more ways to optimize those dollar-dollar bills, so you can spend less on advertising and more on creating the dancing tube girl group of your dreams. Don’t spread yourself too thin
If you’ve only got a few bucks to spare, spending them on 40 keywords isn’t likely to go very far. Focus on your priorities: the most profitable demographic, market area or product, and go all-in on just a specific keyword.
In other words: you want a SKAG.
Yes, I know it sounds like rude British slang, or what you might yelp if a hairless cat ran through your living room unexpectedly. But it actually stands for Single Keyword Ad Group, and this is the ideal, ultra-focused way to target the customers you want, for less.
Google itself suggests multiple keywords, but we’re here to tell you that’s actually highly ineffective.
With too many keywords in one ad group, you can’t possibly write an ad that caters to every search.
Say you run a tire company. You probably have a variety of products available. But if you set your keywords to “green tires, women’s tires, tiny tires” your ad won’t have enough room to reflect all of those options specifically.
The searcher will just see an ad that says “Winter Tires,” and might not click through. They’ll keep scrolling until they see a link that explicitly has women’s tires (tires..for her!).
Single Keyword Ad Group